Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar has entire books devoted to its many uses, but here are my two favourites.

Digestive Test & Tonic

Apple cider vinegar when consumed prior to a meal (empty stomach) can act as a basic test of stomach acidity. If it triggers heartburn, you may have too much stomach acid and should not repeat the test. If it doesn’t, you may find that consuming it actually helps your digestive symptoms, such as bloating. It appears in these cases to act as a digestive tonic, stimulating our digestive juices before we even put food in our mouths, so that the system is “primed and ready” for food. Many patients find they need to do this with each meal for the initial few days, but can quickly drop down to simply using it as needed - such as exposure to a known food sensitivity.

Sore Throat & Mucus Buster

Apple cider vinegar, especially when mixed with warm water, honey & lemon, is my go-to at the first sign of a sore throat. It seems to also be beneficial at thinning mucus, much like the herb thyme, so can be beneficial for colds or allergy season.

Talk to your naturopathic doctor to see if apple cider vinegar is the right choice for you!

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